Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holidays are for family

What a crazy week. Starting the weekend before Christmas, we had a small family spending some special time here at the Tree House. My thought? "great way to savor the Christmas spirit". 

Our family celebrations started on Christmas morning. We traveled to Tarry's parents to meet the entire family and spent a wonderful day with then. We are 21 this year and expecting two babies before the end of march. Let's just say the house is getting a little small :)

Our immediate family, along with husbands, girlfriends, and grandchildren, all gathered at our house on friday evening. Oh, lest I forget a st. Bernard, a retriever mix, and my parents. We ate, opened gifts, drove the great grandparents home, and everyone else spent the night. Yes, now I know why I keep this big house. 

First thing Saturday morning we got dressed and went sledding on the hill between the houses. My children, along with their friends, all grew up sledding on this hill. It brought back some really fond memories and the newest generation has learned a little more about fun at the lake.

Just can't get enough of these people. Love them and wish we could spend more times like these.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Gotta love a warm day. Started the process of screening the covered porch on the Treehouse today. Painting tomorrow, hopefully the screens are close to being ready. Should make for some great times this summer without the bugs.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just perfect

BEAUTIFuL! This weekend was just perfect. Warm sunshine and crisp fall breeze. Couldn't ask for a nicer weekend in November

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Visitors

Lots of guests coming and going this week. Looks like its going to be decent weather for them as well. Lucky ducks

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Oh I hate to see this so early in the year. It's still fall last I checked. Wasn't it just last week, we were all in tee shirts and some in shorts? I think this is just a bad joke, and we can return to our usual fall programming soon. In the mean time we'll drag out the games and puzzles and do what we do in the closed doors of winter. Yuk

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Things that make you say "Hmmmm"

So this morning I took a long walk instead of going to church. I know, I know, probably a bad excuse. Along side the road I see this little guy. Keep in mind, it's pretty cold; at least for him. But there he was, braving the elements. I took it as a sign.....of what, I'm not sure. 

Now that I'm back in my warm house and enjoying my day, I wonder where he is? Did he go back to his warm home? Then again, I'm thinking of a BUG! Maybe that bug was placed there to make me think of the bigger picture. Things that make me say, "Hmmmmmm"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall boating

We took a cruise around the lake and into the channels today to look at the beautiful leaves. The color has peaked and a lot of the leaves are falling. The sun was shining on clear calm water. No wind, no clouds, just amazingly enjoyable. It's so hard to believe summer is over. As hot as it was for most of the season, you would think we would get enough. NOOOOOO! NEVER!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Yesterday was such a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was in the middle 70s. How awesome is that for the middle of October. After my walk I just had to take this picture of the Tree House and it's beautiful trees and color.  It looks so warm and inviting.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall colors

Have you noticed? The leaves are starting to turn. Over the next 2 weeks the lake will be at its peak of color. Trust me. I never miss. Even with the long dry summer we seem to be right on schedule. And of course after returning from a long walk this evening the sunset was knock out gorgeous. Sorry I didn't get a picture for ya. I was too busy feeding my face :)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Aye Captain, it's a windy day on the point! Seriously it's a good thing the sun is shining or it would seem pretty cold. Thank goodness for that. It makes this a beautiful fall day. Think I'll take in a walk around the hood ...

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Oh you gotta be kidding. This is September? It's beautiful! The humidity is clearing out and the sun is shining. The evenings have been just out of this world. The lake has been so smooth and quiet, it's hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago it was busy and crowded with boats. I really love this time of year. How about you?

Monday, August 20, 2012

We lost one

Yes it has finally happened. We lost a guest. Our most recent guests at the tree house decided to go for a night cruise. Having never been to Insian Lake before, they found their way to Cranberrys for dinner. After dinner the darkness was upon them. Lost on the lake, in the dark, with a not so happy family. Not so fun for Dad, I'm sure. Thanks to cell phones, we managed to guide them back to our side of the lake where they found their way home at the tree house once more. All was well, and we managed to laugh about it the next day. Oh well, there is a first for everything

Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's really hot!

What do you do when it's 100 degrees outside? Well, around here you dig out the floaty toys and you jump in the water. It's been in the upper 90s for two weeks and is still pushing 100 today. You know where to find us.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Great friends

I have some pretty awesome friends. We took our family on vacation last week. That meant that I wouldn't be here to clean up after one family left the tree house and prepare for the next ones coming in. My "most excellent" friends did it all for me. They cleaned the house, yard, took care of all the trash, recycle, and made sure it was ready for the next group to arrive. Love you guys :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

When family calls........

The Tree House sure comes in handy when family calls. As long as it isn't booked by someone else...In this case my Uncle Richard and Aunt Wanda got to stay there and enjoy some quiet times and visit with us and my parents. It was my folks 65th wedding anniversary! Wow does anybody make it that far anymore? Well, they have and are still going. We didn't do anything fancy, just went out to eat and had some laughs together. That's really all it takes, because.......It's a special time when family calls :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

What a lovely welcome for Ed and his friend. Gotta love returning people that already know how things work and where everything is around the lake. It's like welcoming someone home again. Good to see you again, Ed, have a great time this holiday weekend

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Good morning at the Tree House. It's absolutely wonderful. Sunshine, birds, water...what more can I ask for?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wild Flox

I love these crazy wild flowers and they are everywhere you look. I've tried to transplant some and they always seem to die. Come to think of it, most of my plantings die. LOL

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Flowers

Don't you just love the old fashioned Iris? It always reminds me of my grandmother. She had such a beautiful garden.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just a little something to bring some sunshine to this otherwise cloudy day. And it's just a few steps from our door. I've always wanted a bottle tree, but now I can just enjoy my neighbors :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Loving the sunshine after a rain. Everything looks so green.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Beautiful sunny Friday afternoon. We would like to welcome Mark to our "Tree House" family. Hope you have a good time here and good weather too. See you in May!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Going out

We are getting ready to go out tonight to the new Indian Head restaurant. It has new owners and a great new menu. It's been a rather cold and dreary day so I am a little excited to get out of the house. Cleaned the Tree House and made the beds today, in preparation for our next guests. Could it be you?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Big fish

Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Out like a lamb?

We will see. It's early yet to make that call, although the thunderstorms aren't supposed to come until tomorrow, it is Ohio. This morning when I got up it was a little foggy over the lake. But as I sat and sipped my coffee in the quiet of the day, I could hear the birds chirping, and watched a Blue Herron fishing off my dock. That's when I realized that every morning, given the time, is a blessing. Whether its foggy and gray or sunny and bright, it is still ours to appreciate.

My suggestion is to take just an hour of this day and be still. Soak it up and make it your time.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is this March?

Wow the season is kicking off in a hurry. Maybe the 80+ degree weather last week got ya'll thinkin' eh? Well anyway I just read my journal that we keep in the cottage for people to write. Just the cutest note from a 2/1/2 year old who stayed here March 11. All about how she caught her first blue gill on her new fishing pole and how she was scared of it and even cried. Who knew eating marshmallows by the fire, fishing with a 2 1/2 year old, and hanging out with your family could be so great? Apparently her family knew because they had a good time here and want to come back. Hope to see them this summer.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break is coming. I think since we are having such wonderful weather, someone could take advantage of a stay at the Tree House.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Visit us

at the Tree House. This past weekend we had visitors and they had some beautiful spring weather. For March, this is pretty amazing.....and lucky I guess. At least the rain held off until Monday. All was goooooood.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Boat Show Weekend "Open House"

It's March. Boat Show Weekend is here and there will be people everywhere. Of course we are having rain and cold, because if you have ever been to Boat Show Weekend, you know it's a tradition. Cold, nasty, muddy, you name it.

So how about coming in out of the cold for a little while at the Tree House? We are opening up the doors for anyone to come in and check us out. Take a brochure home with you and maybe even indulge in a drink and a snack. You are welcome to come around the lake to Sassafras Point and hang out with us. We'll be around..... somewhere.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Funny thing happened.....

Last night at my house, as I'm on the phone with my daughter, I see..........there is someone on my deck!

Now, if you don't know my house, we don't have a front door. People must search us out. On top of that, we have had some work done on the deck and there are NO lights. I mean it's DARK! We also have all of our outdoor plants/trees inside. It looks like a jungle in my living room.

This poor guy was just trying to pay his rent for their stay in July. He probably thinks we're nuts. Thanks for stumbling through the dark and climbing through some trees to find us. You're a trooper!

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's a Leap Year

and people are leaping onto weeks at the Tree House. I've been in conversations with so many different people about different days that I'm getting scatter brained. Don't say it. Already there, huh

Friday, February 17, 2012


It's Friday and the sun is shining. I closed my eyes as I walked to the mailbox and the sun and cool air actually felt like a Florida beach.....until I tripped over a stick in the yard and almost fell down. My "trip" to the beach was abruptly cut short. But hey, I was there, if only for a second.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Snow? Really? Is anyone really happy about this weather? Well, probably not me. I was dreaming of boat rides and summer sun. Hmmmmm Keep dreaming :) It can't be that far away. Even as I walked our neighborhood yesterday in the snow, it was sunny and actually really a beautiful day. I hope some of you got to get out and enjoy it with me. Somehow today is not so sunny but still a nice bright day (through some clouds) I'm sure to get out and walk it again this afternoon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's coming

Oh yes the time change is coming. Have you noticed its still not really dark at 6:00 pm? The lake looked so calm tonight on the drive home, we just felt like a boat ride ...HA ! It's still only 32 degrees, you crazies!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Smells like Summer

Well, not really, but all this sunshine and mild weather feels like spring is coming soon. Who cares what that crazy groundhog says. What does he know anyway. I'll take all the sunshine I can get. Unlike typical Ohio weather we are soaking up some rays.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snowy Sunday!

Wow, what a day. Thanks everyone for your questions and comments. I think everyone is dreaming of warm weather at the Tree House today. Well, I say, "Plan On"

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Home and warm. Now I can relax in front of the fireplace and watch it snow. We'll see what tomorrow brings :)